Feeling a little philosophical today…

There is a saying that has been coming to mind a lot lately, “The only thing constant in life is change.”

Everything will always be slowly changing. Your body cells are always rejuvenating and the weather is ever unpredictable all the while the seconds go by on the clock to a new hour.

So why is it when things come to a close, or change noticeably, that it is such a shock to the system.

The season, at least on the calendar, is changing. For me I’m a year older. Some may be dealing with more personal changes. For the second years their school career is coming to a close. And for the first years their term long projects are coming to an end.

These are milestones, and ones that have prominence. Being uncomfortable with these changes is a normal reaction, but being able to handle and adapt to changes is in our blood. It is how we all got here. Without these milestones we wouldn’t be able to grow and learn. I think we have a mild “freak out” when it happens because we get comfortable with the subtle and unnoticeable changes. So, when they show themselves we don’t know what to do.

But, we do because we have dealt with it all along.

Remember that.

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