What a week..

IPP. IPP. IPP. Magazine. IPP. Magazine. Magazine. Sleep?

Right now it is probably safe to say those are the words that every CreCommer is mumbling after every sip of coffee and struggle they endure to keep their eyes open. 

This week in one word was… INTENSE!

First year CreCommers have been closing down the school each and every night working on their magazine project while the second year students were preparing for their Independent Professional Project (IPP) presentation. 

It is weird to think that only a few months ago the first year CreCommers met their magazine group for the first time and were maybe only fighting to decide on a topic. Now they are fighting tight schedules, strongly discussing word choices for magazine articles, and struggling to work with columns, all the while hoping that, at the end of this, a little bit of their sanity will stay intact. 

On that note my tip for the week is to have a support system.

It is something we heard on repeat throughout the second years IPP speeches. Their thank-you portion of their speeches were full of people that were their support system. 

It is always nice to have a set of people behind you when the stress seems overwhelming.

Someone who is there who understands you are not a crazy person when you lose your mind and start “cry laughing”. 

Someone who will listen to your story over and over and over and over and then over again and each time act as if it is the first time you have said it. 

Someone who will pick you up when you are down or push you when you seem to be losing steam.

Basically surround yourself with people that make sure you are continuously moving forward. If you don’t then this entire school thing may make you lose your mind.


One thought on “What a week..

  1. Hang in there! The Magazine Fair is a lot of fun… and personally, I love IPP panels because it’s great to hear what everyone is passionate about.

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