1/4 of CreComm is done!

crecomm_group-5It is crazy to think that the first quarter of my CreComm life is over. It seemed to fly right by, but at the same time these last two weeks felt like a years worth of stress, assignments, and emotions. I don’t think I would have made it out alive if it wasn’t for Section 3.

I must say, as corny as it may sound, Section 3 is my second family. The mixture of personalities is perfect, and the friendships are actually genuine and not those phony school friendships you can make at school.
When people start crying about autofails, life, or even a balloon popping, even before the first tear makes it off your face someone is there to hug you. We are all going through the same roller coaster of emotions and that is what I think brings all the sections closer together.

In the first few weeks of school it is crazy that I thought I wouldn’t have anything more than just a “school friendship” with these people. When the teachers or guest speakers said that your first section is where the foundation of your friendships will build off of I thought to myself, “Oh ya whatever.”

But when you are with the same group of people for 40 hours a week you really get to know them. At some points they may irritate you and then at others all you can do is clap and hug it out. (We are all about clapping and hugging in Section 3).

I am excited to move on to my new section in the new year but I can genuinely say that it is going to be hard to top these guys.

(Photo credit: Braiden Watling)